A People’s History?

December 11, 2009

Radical historian Howard Zinn, has long been an enemy of conservatives and many others who are not moved by his version of American History, which discusses the evils of capitalism, the promise of Marxism, and denies American exceptionalism.

From Big Hollywood:

“His controversial 1980-book The People’s History of the United States paints traditional American history as a façade – one that has grotesquely immortalized flawed leaders and is based on principles that victimize the common man. In 2004, Zinn wrote a companion book entitled Voices Of A People’s History Of The United States, which includes speeches and writings from many of the people featured in The People’s History.”

These two books have now become the basis for a new documentary, entitled The People Speak, to be aired December 13th at 8pm on the History Channel. The documentary is a supposed collage of compelling one-person readings, told through the words of “ordinary” people who have struggled throughout American history against oppression.

Early last month GWU’s School of Media and Public Affairs hosted hip-hop artist Lupe Fiasco, and producer Chris Moore to discuss this new documentary.

As is the case with the climate change debate, GWU once again fails in its basic responsibility to educate its students on both sides of the issues.  First students are encouraged to read Tom Friedman’s liberal environmentalist book, and now they are about to be indoctrinated with a liberal, and even socialist, skewed interpretation of American history.

Perhaps due to their one-sided perspective of America’s past, Zinn’s history books have largely been limited to colleges and universities, until now. The GWU administration, like most left-wing groups, tries to conceal their left-wing agenda and hold that they are open minded.  However, this semester the administration is having a tough time concealing their left-leaning agenda by promoting the Friedman book, inviting Michelle Obama to commencement, and now adopting a very left-wing interpretation of American History.

How far will GWU go?

Sam K. Theodosopoulos is the Editor-at-Large of the GW YAF Blog.

GW Makes Me Green

December 11, 2009

Read GWYAF President Travis Korson’s take on GW’s Green Programs in his weekly column for the Quad

The Climate Change Indoctrination Continues

December 8, 2009

Once again, The George Washington University is guilty of indoctrinating their students about the climate change “crisis.”

GW Today reports:

“On Dec. 4, a panel of University administrators discussed the ways Thomas Friedman’s book Hot, Flat and Crowded, this year’s selection for the Freshman Reading Program, relates to sustainability efforts on campus.”

Furthermore, they report that:  “New York Times columnist and best-selling author Thomas Friedman will deliver a public lecture at GW Jan. 21.”

Here is the scary evidence of indoctrination:

“According to Dr. Rulnick, her division has been trying to find its own solutions, from creating a “green alumni network” on LinkedIn to sending copies of Mr. Friedman’s book to 50 high schools that send graduates to GW. The next freshman class may include lots of students who have already read the book, she said.”

As I outlined in a previous post, it should not be the goal of GWU or any other institution of higher learning, to make its students environmental evangels; rather they should present both sides of the issue and let the students draw his/her own conclusions. It is painfully obvious that by accepting Freidman’s book as fact and not having students read or be presented with opposing views that the university is failing in one of its most basic responsibilities: to produce students who have critical thinking skills.

Moreover, GW is apparently taking the indoctrination one step further by having high school students who are interested in attending GW read the book first, so they are already environmental evangelists. This is scary.

Sam K. Theodosopulos is the Editor-at-Large if the GWYAF Blog.

Cozying up with the Obamas

December 7, 2009

GWYAF President Travis Korson comments on the current state of the relationship between the University and Obama administrations in his weekly article on the Quad, Young America’s Foundation National Blog.


Daily Colonial Covers Gender Neutral Housing

December 7, 2009

Read GWYAF’s take in the debate here: http://dailycolonial.com/?p=2055